We have a couple of young women in our church, Amber Cook and Desireah Oliveri, who have a very special and anointed gift. When either of them ministers, it takes our worship service to another level. Some call what they do mime, while others call it interpretative dance. I don t really care what label you want to put on it, it is beautiful and moving. I think one of the key elements is their song choices. They have done a few contemporary songs you might hear on Christian radio, but most of the time they choose songs many of us are not familiar with. They are soulful and deep, rich in praise for our Lord. The combination of the songs and their heartfelt motions and interpretations draw you into God s presence.
Sometime around Easter, Amber ministered to a song some may have known, but I had never heard. The song was This Blood (written by Rita Springer). It has the sound and feel of an older hymn, but it is probably less than 15 years old. The words, the music, the message the song is anointed, as is Amber, so I can tell you that church was an exciting place to be that day and the several times she has done it since. You will find all the lyrics and a link at the end of this article, and I encourage you to read the words and to listen to the song.
A particular lyric caught my ear and introduced to me to a new term, and it has been stuck in my head and heart ever since. So pour it out and, To cleanse my soul, And let its liquid Glory flow, Because it lives, To make me whole . Liquid Glory! Liquid Glory! What a beautiful description of the blood of Jesus! There are a lot of scriptures about the blood of Jesus and a lot of songs about the blood of Jesus, but never had I heard anyone use this term to describe it. A quick Google search of liquid glory only brought up the song, This Blood , a painting, and an instrumental piano song.
The artist, Rick J. Delanty, said about his painting, Liquid Glory is about the idea that all Creation speaks of its inception at the hands of God, and reveals attributes of God in its, power, depth, glory, and creativity. I think he was on to something. In looking up the definition of glory from a biblical perspective, it means the divine presence of God; the revelation of God in Christ.
Hebrews 1:3 -- 3 The Son is the radiance of God s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
As Christians, we understand the meaning and importance of the blood. We see its power and saving grace when we read about the first Passover. The Hebrew families each took the blood of an innocent lamb and applied it to their doorposts. When the angel of death passed over Egypt that night, taking the first born male of every person and animal, their families were spared if their household had applied the blood. It was a foreshadowing of the blood sacrifice that Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God, would make to take away our sins. But until Jesus came, the blood sacrifice of animals was required to make atonement.
Leviticus 17:11 -- 11 For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one s life.
Hebrews 9:19-22 -- 19 When Moses had proclaimed every command of the law to all the people, he took the blood of calves, together with water, scarlet wool and branches of hyssop, and sprinkled the scroll and all the people. 20 He said, This is the blood of the covenant, which God has commanded you to keep. 21 In the same way, he sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies. 22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. The price had to be paid. The first verse of the song says, There is a blood, That cost a life, That paid my way, Death its price, When it flowed, Down from the cross, My sins were gone, My sins forgot . The blood that Jesus shed was no ordinary blood. It wasn t like that from a lamb, or a bull, or a goat. Their blood had been accepted in sacrifices, but those had to be continually repeated. Imagine if we still had to do that today under the Law! We say it so much it can become clich , but it shouldn t Jesus shed His blood once and for all. His blood is magnificent. His blood is everlasting. His blood is glorious! It wasn t just any blood it was His blood that was shed. It is Liquid Glory the divine presence of God flowing from His Son for our forgiveness. It has the same attributes and power today that it had on the day He was crucified the power to save, to heal, to free, and to cleanse. Thank you, Jesus, for your liquid Glory!
Jesus really did do it once, for all, for me, for you. If you don t yet know Him, you can right now. There s nothing you ve done that can t be forgiven. He created you, He knows all about you, and He wants a relationship with you. He gave His life and shed His blood so that you could be reconciled to Him for all eternity. Ask Him to forgive your sins, to cleanse you, make you whole, set you free, and to become the Lord of your life. Let Him pour His liquid Glory over you and over your life. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Here is the link to listen to This Blood performed by the Prestonwood Baptist Church Choir:
Here are the words:
This Blood (written by Rita Springer)
There is a blood
That cost a life
That paid my way
Death its price
When it flowed
Down from the cross
My sins were gone
My sins forgot
There is a grave
That tried to hide
This precious blood
That gave me life
In three days
He breathed again
And rose to stand in my defense
So I come to tell you He's alive
To tell you that He dries every tear that falls
So I come to tell you that He saves
To shout and to proclaim that He's coming back for you
This life, this price, this blood, this one
Oh, there is a Blood
Oh, and it sights the blind
It heals the sick
The lonely, finds
Oh, it has the Power
To free the bound
As chains they fall
Upon the ground
So pour it out and
To cleanse my soul
And let His liquid Glory flow
Because it lives
To make me whole
I owe my life
I owe my all
So I come to tell you He's alive
To tell you that He dries every tear that falls
So I come to tell you that He saves
To shout and to proclaim that he is coming back for you
And so I come to tell you He's alive
To tell you that He dries every tear that falls
So I come to tell you that He saves
To shout and to proclaim that He's coming back for you
This life
This price
This blood
This wine
This life
This light
This price
This blood
So I come to tell you He's alive
To tell you that He dries every tear that falls
So I come to tell you that He saves
To shout and to proclaim that he is coming back for you
This life
This price
This blood
This wine
One more time, this life
This price
This blood
This wine
Thank you, Jesus