Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
No, wait! Don t send the news out in an email. You know most of them don t even check it. Let s tell them in person. I want to see the look on their faces! I said excitedly to my coworker.
We had some really good news to share with our employees. Earlier in the year, a state agency announced caregiver bonuses for anyone working in childcare who met the criteria. Since 2020, there has been an overall shortage of childcare workers and the bonuses are to help with employee retention. We could never pay childcare workers what they are worth, though our organization pays better than most. We have wonderful, dedicated employees, but sometimes pay is a deciding factor on whether they stay for long. The bonuses were to be given out it two phases. We prepared the phase one paperwork for our employees who were eligible, got their signatures, and submitted the paperwork. A few months later, they got checks in the mail for several hundred dollars. They were so elated, and we were happy for them.
When it was time to apply for the second phase of payments, we found out the final payment would be more. What we didn t expect was that the payout would be in thousands instead of hundreds. Our employees are part-time contract workers with no benefits, so knowing they were going to get a check for roughly the equivalent of one to two months pay was pretty exciting news. The paperwork was prepared for those who were eligible so that they would only have to sign their names. We divided them up and scheduled visits to 17 sites to get them signed.
I was so hyped up as I went into each site, but played it cool. I had my presentation all planned out. I gathered the staff and putting on a somber face said, I want to let you all know that this round of the caregiver bonuses is not going to be for the same amount as last time, I explained, trying to keep a straight face. Most of the responses were along the lines of yeah, we thought it might be less and that s ok, anything helps , though their faces showed their disappointment. That s when I shared the good news with them. Yeah, instead of $XXX, the check amount will be $X,XXX. And oh, the responses that evoked.
Jaws dropped.
Eyes widened.
You re kidding me.
Please tell me you aren t joking.
You punking me?
You don t know how much I need it.
My heart swelled as I watched each person receive the good news with rejoicing. Of course, there were a few people who did not receive the news with a positive reaction. Right, I ll believe it when I see it or That s too good to be true , were just a couple of the responses. My heart hurt for those who didn t dare hope that something this good was intended for them. Whether they believed it or not, in a few months they will receive the payment. My parting advice to them all was don t spend it before you get it, because I could see they were already dreaming and picturing what they would do with their blessing.
The experience for me was exhilarating, as strange as that may sound. It s not like I was personally responsible for the bonus. It wasn t my money or any money I had the authority to disperse. But it blessed me so much to share that news with them and see the joy in their faces.
I was laying in bed one evening, reflecting on those moments with our staff and thanking God for what He was doing and the opportunity to be a part of it, and in that moment He showed me something. I should be as excited about sharing the Good News the gospel of Jesus Christ as I was about sharing this good financial news with the staff. Ouch!
I saiah 52:7
How beautiful upon the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who proclaims peace,
Who brings glad tidings of good things,
Who proclaims salvation,
Who says to Zion,
Your God reigns!
How many can say they get genuinely excited about going out and witnessing to others? I know a few who are bold and witness to everyone they come across. They take Jesus s instruction in Mark 16:15 to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, very seriously. It wouldn t surprise me if they even preached to the deer, the squirrels, their dog, and any other animals that cross their path. And then, I know some who are very shy and have anxiety about talking to people about anything, let alone their salvation. Most of us fall somewhere in between, knowing we should speak up but finding it awkward and not really knowing how to do it or what to say. We make it complicated, and often miss opportunities that come our way. At least, that is my experience.
First we have to recognize what good news we have to share about salvation through the blood of Jesus, and we should be excited about it. We should want everyone to know about it. It is greater news than any monetary bonus that we might receive. Temporary vs Eternal. We know what He did for us and the hope we now have, and we should be excited about sharing that with others. We should be excited to see the joy on their faces when they hear they don t have to live with shame, guilt, and sin. We should be excited to see them give their hearts and burdens to the Lord and accept new life through Him. It s not anything we are doing, because only Jesus can do that for them. But we get to share that good news and lead them to Him.
So how do we do this if we are someone who is a little backward or feels they don t know what to say? I have been trying to figure that out as well. And I am not a shy person. I do believe it starts with the power of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells his disciples, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. The Holy Spirit will lead us to the people we are to witness to, and will help us know what to say.
Certainly we have to know who Jesus is and be able to explain the plan of salvation, and do so in a way the person will understand. That means we need to be reading our Bible and learning the Word of God. As our Pastor often quotes from 2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
We also have to know how to share our own testimony, because that is extremely powerful. The first night I went out with the street ministry, I watched and listened as Tiffany shared her testimony with some of the homeless people who stopped to talk with us. They hung on every word she said. They realized that she knew exactly what they were going through, because she had been there. She shared how Jesus rescued her from addiction and homelessness and restored her family, and He could do the same for them. I saw the expressions on their faces. I saw the tears welling up in their eyes. Everyone has a testimony that will resonate with someone, and I believe the Holy Spirit will connect us with them. I love the scripture in 2 Corinthians 1:4 that says He is the God who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Sharing your testimony means making yourself vulnerable and letting people know what you ve been through. I know that can be difficult we want to put the past behind us and there s stuff we d rather people didn t know about us. God knows all about us and forgives us, but people are not always so gracious. I am not saying publicly hang out all your dirty laundry not everyone needs to hear it. But in a one-on-one divine appointment, sharing your testimony could mean spiritual life or death for someone. That s when we should be most excited to share the Good News with someone, to let them know they are not alone in their experience and if Jesus did it for you, He will do it for them.
Ephesians 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
I think we should be prepared to be witnesses on two different levels. We should be able to give a general testimony about who Jesus is and what He did to save the world and be ready to share that with anyone at any time. Then I think we need that specific, personal testimony ready to share when God puts us with someone who needs to hear it. There may even be different facets of your testimony that would apply. That s where we need the power of the Holy Spirit to direct us.
A few months ago, I sat down and wrote out my testimony. I started with what was going on in my life before I got saved in my early thirties all the heartaches, loss, despair, shame, and guilt that broke my heart. I wrote about when and how I got saved and all the ways Jesus changed my life. I made an evidence list of examples of how God has worked in my life, answering prayers and bringing healing. It s not something I would share with just anyone and definitely would not publish, because it is very personal, but there are parts I know I could share that might help someone else.
1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
In the Book of Acts, Paul shares his testimony of when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus in two different passages (Acts 22, 26). It was his story, and even though it is recounted only a few times in scripture, I feel confident that he shared that testimony everywhere he went. It s what he opened with. When he went into a new place, he was prepared to share his story and the good news about Jesus. So be prepared. Write out your testimony and bring it down to a concise message. Mine is down to seven pages so, yeah, I m working on getting it down to specific talking points. Make a list of the things God has done for you, the prayers He has answered, and the mountains He has moved for you. It s your story, but you may have to review it from time to time to remind and encourage yourself. Once you have your testimony ready, and you have the knowledge of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, the final ingredient we need is love. We have to love other people as much as Jesus loves us. We must love them enough to want to see them saved. What we say has to be said with love, and as Peter says, with gentleness and respect.
We are the messengers of the Good News. Our directive is to share Jesus with others. Some will accept the message with joy and tears. And some will say they can t believe it and it sounds too good to be true. We will rejoice with those who accept it, but we can t be deterred by those who reject our message. Jesus reminded us that they are not rejecting us, but Him. All we can do is pray we have planted a seed and it will be the beginning of a new faith journey for someone.