This article is dedicated in memory of my grandfather, Jerry Dotson, who passed away on
My daughter plays the viola (like a violin, only slightly bigger and provides the middle harmonies) in her middle school string orchestra. Last week, they participated in a string orchestra competition that is held annually during the West Virginia Strawberry Festival in Buckhannon. Their teacher encouraged them to have fun and enjoy the experience, rather than worry about the competition itself. They played three pieces for the judges. These particular songs were ones they had performed at several other venues this spring, so they knew them fairly well.
After each school performs, the two judges come up on stage to talk with the students and give them constructive feedback. (I was impressed by this. It’s not something I have seen before in a judged competition – excluding reality show competitions like American Idol.) These ladies are professional musicians and you could tell they loved their craft and they loved sharing it with the kids.
When it came time for the critique, one of the judges talked to them about the joy of the music. She said something like: “These were pieces that had a lot of personality and energy to them, and I could hear some of that coming through. But I couldn’t see it when I was watching you. It’s okay to show that you are having fun. If it’s a happy song, smile.” Then she made them all smile and play a few measure of a song with that expression of happiness.
The point she was trying to get across is that the music starts on the inside. They were so focused on trying to play technically correct that they lost the joy of the music that connects them with their audience. Of course, they are young and are not experienced musicians. As they mature and become more technically proficient and confidant, they will focus less on the technical aspect and more on the emotional side of the music. Music does evoke emotions in people. A certain song will bring a smile to your face as it evokes memories of good times, or it may make you cry. Music can help heal your broken heart or set the mood for a party or special event.
Here’s another example. Back in the late 80s, they announced that a famous pop diva (I won’t mention any names) would be performing at the
If you have ever watched American Idol, you often hear this critique from the judges. A contestant performs a song and they sound good. Then you hear Simon say something like this (try to hear it with his English accent): “It was boring and predictable. You showed no personality, and quite frankly, no one is even going to remember this performance after tonight.”
Music starts on the inside. Art starts on the inside. Love starts on the inside. We either express it or suppress it. They are gifts that are meant to be shared with others. But we get hung up on what we look like or what we sound like or what people will think of us. We get so caught up in appearances that we lose the meaning behind what we are doing. When you allow it to flow freely from the inside out, it becomes as natural a movement as breathing. We do it without thinking about it.
Who do want to listen to? Do you want to hear a speaker who uses a monotone voice and merely delivers the information? How much will you remember about what he said? Wouldn’t you rather hear the speaker who speaks with passion? He’s moving around the room, waving his hands, changing the tone and volume of his voice. He doesn’t care if his tie is crooked or if spit is flying out of his mouth. He is excited about his topic. At that moment it is the most important thing in the world and he is sharing it with every fiber of his being. You are going to remember what he said and how it made you feel and think.
1 Corinthians 13:1
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
As Christians, we share our faith with the world, either intentionally or unintentionally. You might not be out actively witnessing to people, but the way you are living your life in front of others speaks volumes. Do you act like going to church is drudgery and then act hurt or surprised when you invite people to church and they decline? “Oh I can’t believe I have to get up early to go to church in the morning.” “I don’t feel like going on Wednesday night; those services always run too long.” “You all go have fun . . . I am stuck at home today working on my Sunday school lesson.” “Those people at church are always calling me to do something. Don’t they know I have a life?” Gee, who wouldn’t want to join that church?
Or, some people get so caught up in trying to appear Christian that they forget why they are Christians. They remind me of the New Testament Pharisees, with their rules and regulations. They want to dress and act right (or righteous). They faithfully attend every service and say “Amen” in all the right places. They sit quietly in church and listen attentively . . . and they leave just the same as they came. They always have a smile on their face and give the appearance that they never have a care in the world. And in doing so, they never show the world any care. They are the clanging cymbal that Paul spoke of, because there is no love behind their actions. They act like club members instead of being members of the body of Christ.
Matthew 5:14-16
“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”
The love of God is inside you. You either express it or suppress it. You have gifts that are meant to be shared with others. Don’t get hung up on what you look like or what you sound like or what people will think of you. Don’t get so caught up in appearances that you lose the meaning behind what you are doing. When you allow the love of God to flow freely from the inside out, it becomes as natural a movement as breathing. You do it without thinking about it. That’s when the love of God will touch others.