That meant we had to stick around for the sermon. Believe it or not, that is also one of my favorite parts of church. I love to hear different people bring the Word. There are different styles and different ways to deliver it, but the Word itself never changes. What changes is our better understanding of it. I hate to hear when people say their services are boring or that the pastor drones on and on. I wonder if it is the way the pastor delivers the message or the way that they listen. Either way, if you are bored that means you are not being fed (church jargon for spiritually nourished) and you either need to check yourself or you need to check out and find another church.
Usually on Pastor Appreciation days, churches invite guest speakers. I was very excited to see who they had brought in for this day. The last time we had visited, I had truly enjoyed the gentleman's message. He was very engaging and used a lot of humor to get his points across. Does a message have to be entertaining? No, I am not there to be entertained; I am there to be changed. He was able to do both and it was effective. It was during their revival, and they had about dozen people who either were saved or rededicated themselves to the Lord.
So I am sitting there anticipating a great service. The pastor welcomes everyone and introduces the speaker. But it is not a tall, graying, well-seasoned circuit preacher that I had envisioned who comes forward. It is a petite, young woman with long flowing blonde hair. And she is a little nervous. I have nothing against female preachers. In fact, I enjoy hearing them. We have one in our church. They are few and far between. So while I was surprised that our speaker was a woman, I certainly was not disappointed.
She started out telling us a little bit about herself and her ministry. The nerves were still showing themselves through her shaky voice and hands. Then she began to share the message that God had given her to preach that day. As she started into her message, you could see a change come over her. Suddenly she was no longer that nervous, petite young woman, but an on-fire, Holy rolling, spirit-filled, give a shout out to the Lord, anointed woman of God. It was as if someone had flipped a switch and transformed her.
Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
She had been transformed before our eyes through the power and presence of God - His anointing. Talking about the anointing can be a little challenging, because it is hard to describe with words. The definition of anoint is " to rub or sprinkle on; apply an unguent, ointment, or oily liquid to." Another is "to consecrate or make sacred in a ceremony that includes the token applying of oil." M ost people are familiar with the anointing of people or objects. In the Bible, prophets and kings were anointed for service. This means that they were set apart by God and given a special job to do. The priests anointed the altar and other items in the tabernacle as instructed by God. These items were set apart for use in God's house and no other.
To anoint something is a physical act in which you apply oil to symbolize that something or someone is consecrated and dedicated to the Lord. For example, I have anointed my home. To have the anointing of God is similar but different. When man anoints you, he uses oil. When God anoints you, it is with His power, His fire. Some have described the anointing as being able to do through the power of God something you normally wouldn't be able to do.
2 Corinthians 1:21-22
Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
When you accept Jesus Christ as your savior, you are setting yourself apart for His service. You receive the Holy Spirit. He gives you gifts and callings (that are without repentance, which means they are yours forever). And you receive the anointing, or the power, to use those gifts. That means when you use those gifts to the glory of God, He is going to be there to help you. If God has called you to preach, then He has anointed you to preach and He will be there to help you. If He has called you to teach, sing, write, minister, heal, help - whatever your calling - He will be there.
When you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and you are operating in the Spirit of God and not out of your own fleshy ambition and desires, the anointing will be there. You will feel it and you will know it. The way some people have described the anointing is that it's electric. Others have said it feels like a fluttery feeling in their stomach. I feel it as a warmth, flowing from head to toe. It can even feel like an out-of-body experience. There are times after I have taught that I have sat down and thought, "Did I just do that?" It's not us, but God working through us.
1 John 2:27
As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit-just as it has taught you, remain in him.
Christ means "the anointed one". As Christians, we are "the anointed ones." Unfortunately, I think a lot of Christian people have put a lid on their anointing. They may be ignorant about it . . . ignorant means unlearned, not dumb. They may be afraid of it. They be sitting in a service and start to feel that presence of God upon them, that little tingle in their spirit, and they get scared and quench it. Other people may be trying to do a work in their church and wonder why they aren't getting anywhere. They need to ask themselves if they are operating in their calling. If you want to be a preacher and God has not called you to preach, then the anointing is not going to be there.
After I got saved, I told God that spiritually I wanted it to be the real thing and that I wanted all He had for me. I didn't want it be a "going through the motions" experience. It's kind of like when you get married. You want it to be the love of your life and you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. You wouldn't want to marry just anyone and have a loveless life together. When you are in a true relationship with God and you are doing the things He has called you to do, then His power and anointing are with you. There is nothing that can compare with that feeling or that experience. There is no drug better than that. There is no "high" better than that. You can't always go on feeling . . . many times you don't feel anything at all and you have to walk on faith. But when you do feel the anointing, you feel the presence of God. It doesn't get any better than that.