Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It has its stressful and hectic moments as we prepare for that special day of celebration with family and friends, but when we look back afterward we find it was usually worth it. For Christians, it is an especially wonderful time as we remember and reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ.
Despite a few protests over manger scenes in public places, it does seem that Christmas is the one time of year that you can talk about Jesus without getting a lot of flack. Television shows and movies depicting that wondrous night in
So why does Jesus get better press coverage at Christmas than Easter? I think it s because in the Christmas story, Jesus is an infant. He is baby he can t walk, talk, feed himself. He relies on his parents for his daily care. And who doesn t like babies? They are cute and cuddly and they smell good (most of the time). There isn t anything threatening about a baby Jesus. We read the story about the night he was born and we sympathize with the young mother who is turned away from the inn and must give birth in a manger. We marvel at the heavenly choir of angels who alert the shepherds in the field and direct them to the newborn baby. It s a story of peace on earth and hope for mankind.
A grown up Jesus now that s a different story. He isn t a cute and cuddly infant anymore. He is a grown man the Son of God --who has come to tell the world the Good News. He is Jesus the Christ who would die for us, that we might have eternal life. But it isn t a pretty scene. We read about how he was beaten, mocked and spit upon. His hands and feet were nailed to a cross and he was hung there to die. Though I have owned the movie for several years, I haven t been able to bring myself to watch The Passion . Just thinking about all He endured for me, it breaks my heart. To have to watch it depicted will be difficult, but one of these days I will watch it. The really Good News is that despite the horrible death He endured, it wasn t the end. Three days later He rose from the dead and today He is alive and working in my life. Praise God!
This theory of mine that the baby Jesus is non-threatening to most people is demonstrated in a movie that came out about five years ago.
John 3:18
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God s one and only Son.
You see a grown up Jesus forces us to make a choice. Either you believe or you don t. Those who choose to believe in Him and truly put their trust in Him have been promised eternal life. Those who choose not to believe have been condemned. While no one seems to want to talk about it, there is a place called Hell as surely as there is a place called Heaven. Deciding not to make a choice is really choosing option #2 by default. When you are considering these choices, you are making your decision based not on a baby in a manger, but on the saving works of the adult Jesus who preached repentance and who laid down His life for you.
Not everyone finds the baby Jesus non-threatening though. King Herod felt his position was threatened when he learned from the wise men that a new king had been born. After receiving information from the teachers of the law, he directed the wise men to
Today there are groups that find the baby Jesus threatening. Groups like the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and atheist organizations fight to keep away images of Christ in the manger. They have been successful in having them removed from government properties. While they can t yet stop private citizens from displaying them on private property, I am sure they will continue to try. You have to wonder why they feel so threatened by someone they say they don t believe in. I have to think that is because they know He is real. I think when they see the baby Jesus, they understand perhaps better than anyone who He really is and the power He has. They know that if people see Him and are reminded of who He is or are learning for the first time who He is, that the body of Christ will grow stronger. If you study on the baby Jesus, you will eventually learn about the fully grown Jesus and you might choose to put your faith in Him. Whether they want to believe it or not, these groups are tools of the Enemy used to keep people from Jesus.
1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Jesus came from Heaven to earth and He started out as a baby. He experienced all that we experience growing up. He became a man and when He reached the age of maturity in the Jewish culture, He began His ministry. That s when He became a threat to the enemies of God. He continues to be a polarizing force, creating conflict and disagreement among people around the world. In Matthew
Unfortunately, I think the body of Christ overall is not very mature. I think we have a lot of baby Christians and I am not excluding myself in that characterization. As baby Christians, we re not much a threat. That s why Christians are getting so beat up in today s society. That s why anti-Christian groups are so successful at getting manger scenes removed and having the Ten Commandments taken off walls in public buildings. It s just the beginning. If we don t grow up and step up, pretty soon we ll be losing a lot more. We need to wake up and realize who we are in Christ, not who we are in ourselves. In Him we have power and authority, but only if we believe. In order to fulfill the work God has called us to do, we need a mature body of believers. As I have written before, it s time to get off the milk and begin to eat of the meat of God s word.