Excitement filled the air as thousands of visitors began pouring into the city. Merchants, eagerly anticipating their arrival, made sure to have plenty of inventory in stock (and ready to sell at “tourist” inflated prices). Rooms at every lodging place in the city were booked and people were being turned away. Overnight, the population of the city could grow as much as ten-fold, boosting the local economy. The local authorities were sending in extra patrols to maintain the peace and to quickly disperse any brawls that might break out in the overcrowded streets.
This scene could take place in a number of locations. It could describe New Orleans at Mardi Gras time. It could have been North Texas during last Sunday’s Superbowl. It might be peak season at Myrtle Beach. It could have even been Charleston back in the grand old days of the Sternwheel Regatta Festival. But it is also an accurate description of Jerusalem in Biblical times during Passover and other feasts.
Several times a year, Jews came from different lands to Jerusalem to worship at the temple. They brought with them a sacrifice, or the money to purchase one from the local merchants. Rooms at local inns filled up quickly. Some visitors were able to stay with family, but many others had to stay in tents. The Roman governor would send soldiers out to keep the crowds under control and to quash any riots incited by zealots hoping to spur a rebellion against Rome. Feast time was a guaranteed economic boon for the city because of the dedication of the Jewish people to honor God by returning to Jerusalem for worship.
Today, that kind of dedication and turn out seems to be reserved for sports teams and rock stars. Last week’s Superbowl was the most watched television show in history. The stadium was sold out, with temporary seating areas being set up (and then closed by the fire marshal, resulting in an angry crowd). People traveled from all over the country and the world to attend. The tickets were $800 or $900 each, though many fans paid more, buying from “moneychangers” taking advantage of the fans’ desire to be at the game. People will part with their money, travel long distances, sleep in their cars, paint their faces and cheer until they lose their voices in support of their favorite team.
I am not being critical of football (or whatever kind of sport) fans. In fact, I admire their loyalty and tenacity. They are excited about something and they give it their full support. They aren’t afraid to display what team they support and will fight to defend their team’s honor. They aren’t afraid to don a colored wig or face paint or a giant foam finger to let people know who they support. I think that we, as Christians, could learn a lot from these dedicated fans. What if we displayed our love for Christ with the same passion?
2 Samuel 6:22
I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.
When King David brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, it was cause for celebration. The Bible says the people brought the ark into the city with shouting and the sound of trumpets. King David was dancing and leaping before the Lord. His wife, Michal, who was Saul’s daughter, felt that his behavior was unbecoming a king. In other words, she was embarrassed by her husband. But he was not the least bit embarrassed. In fact, he told her he would become even more undignified if that’s what it took to worship and praise God. Michal’s attitude resulted in her womb being closed up. What in our lives has been shut up or closed off because we are not open in our worship of God?
Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
These days it is certainly easier to fill up a stadium with rabid football fans than with worshippers of Christ. It does happen on occasion. Groups like the Promise Keepers and Women of Worship follow a concert-like schedule and draw in groups around the country . . . for a season. Billy Graham was guaranteed to sell out any venue where he took his ministry, but those days have passed. Others like Joyce Meyer and Joel Olsteen can fill stadiums and civic centers. There are mega-churches in many communities that draw big crowds. But this is still small in comparison to our Superbowl example. And despite the rise of the mega-church, statistics say that church attendance continues to decline. This scripture from Hebrews tell us that we shouldn’t be skipping church service because we need to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, so that we may strengthen one another. And it says we should be doing it even more as we see the Day, as in the Day of Christ’s return, approaching.
1 Corinthians 2:14
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
Worship styles can be a sore spot among Christians. Let’s just tell it like it is. The traditionalists that prefer a more solemn and quiet worship frown with distaste upon the more exuberant worshippers that prefer music, dance and shouts of praise. In fact they think the “Holy Rollers,” as they call them, are a little nuts. The Praise & Worship people think that the traditionalist are uptight, fuddy-duddies that need to loosen up a bit. The merits of each kind of worship could be debated until we are blue in the face and they won’t be resolved.
Jesus said that true worshippers will worship in Spirit and Truth. That is the first requirement for worship. How we express that is going to differ among people because people are just different. Together we make up one body. Ecclesiastes tells us that there is time for everything under heaven. That means that there is a time to worship quietly and solemnly, and there is also a time to worship with celebratory shouts and praises. Instead of churches judging one another, we should respect one another. Instead of examining the outward expression of worship, we should be looking at the heart of the worshippers. If the people are not worshipping in spirit and truth, then their worship, regardless of the style, is empty and dead.
Our church is one that favors Praise & Worship. We don’t care if you call us Holy Rollers. We don’t care if you think we are crazy or foolish for dancing and raising our hands and shouting praises for God. We hope that you will be touched by the Spirit and the presence of God and one day join in the celebration. And we are certainly by no means in a position to judge how others worship. Even though we say we are “praise and worshippers”, our worship of late has not always reflected what we believe. People are still a little hesitant. They need to quit worrying what others might think and step out and worship God the way they really want to. Don’t let some Michal keep you from being a David.
We are to let the Spirit lead us in worship. As you grow in the Lord, you should also grow in your worship of Him. There is a time to worship solemnly and there is a time to rejoice with a shout of praise. Likewise, this is true for the body of Christ. We need to take a cue from the Superbowl fans and not be afraid to express our loyalty and support of our favorite team – The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Think how many more people we could win for Christ just by demonstrating our love and enthusiasm for Him. Are you excited about what Jesus has done for you? Have you told anyone? Have you invited them to join you at church? Psalm 22 says that God inhabits the praises of His people. True worshippers will worship in spirit and truth. They will praise the Lord and He will be there with Him. And where He is, there is salvation and hope for all people.
Psalm 150:1-6
Praise the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,
praise him with timbrel and dancing,
praise him with the strings and pipe,
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.